My workshop for you will focus on your current repertoire but will include ideas for new additions to your repertoire!
The content of your intensive choir training workshop will cater to your specific needs and precise wishes.
The “Intensive Choir Training” workshop will focus on your current repertoire but will include ideas for new additions to your repertoire.
On this day I will show you the professional approach to achieving the following aims…
Prepare choir arrangements for correct and effective results
Increase the sound quality of your voices as a choir with lasting effect
Carry out warm-up exercises to enhance your voice and loosen your body in order to gain optimum benefit when subsequently working on the pieces
Build in motivational phases
Apply creative and time-saving rehearsal techniques yet still retain lasting effect
Improve "timing and feeling" in rhythm with the beat when singing
Work around the difficult issue of the absence of male voices
We will also have lots of fun together in the training sessions!
I am already looking forward to it.